What if… things were different?
So my dream was to stand on both sides of this separated country and learn for myself about the situation on the Korean peninsula. My curiosity for one of the most secluded countries in the world and the idea of taking pictures there blended perfectly when I got the chance to travel together with my…
Juche Juche
The government bases most of the countries legacy and future onto the Juche ideology. Originally developed by Kim Il-Sung the idea transformed from the marxist-leninist foundation to a truly Korean belief over the years. The meaning of a unique Korean reception may not be underestimated. A society where certain sentiments have their own descriptive words…
Road to reunification
When I met a young south Korean guy in Bangkok the other night we started to exchange our travel plans. As it turned out South Korean citizens are denied entry to the DPRK. A question I was asked to think about However this interesting human asked me a very thought provoking question: Do you think…
Outbounds of the DMZ
On our way back from the DMZ we would stop in Kaesong which is the next town to the border that splits the Korean peninsula. In Kaesong we received a glorious lunch in an ancient Korean dining room. Sitting on the floor we feasted on pickles, noodles and various side dishes. The visit to the…
Movie sets
When we made a stop at the film studios of the DPRK I wasn’t expecting too much. I though we would be strolling through some empty facades with almost no action going on. A perfect place to store away some tourists that are asking too many questions anyway. Where all the movies are supposed to…