Born in 1981 I am trying to see with my eyes, feel with my heart and think outside the box. I feel inclined to individual travel and to explore the cities and landscapes of this world.
In my professional life I’m an entrepreneur and software development responsible at a German software company. I started a line of products from 2009 onwards that is used for sales and after sales service management. This part of me started using a computer being 12 years old and likes to drink too much coffee. Over the years I learned that it is a great pleasure to pitch a real product to customers and release regularly together with a bunch of great people. I’m open towards and interested in processes, technology and business growth.
However there is a different part of me that knows how to hold a camera. In fact the first digital camera I ever held was a digital Kodak DC210 Zoom with a mind-blowing 1 Megapixel resolution. That was around 2001. I bought the camera mainly because it was the latest nerd thing to do. It took me years to meet a person who would introduce me to the appeal of composition, colors and the correlation between aperture and shutter speed. Over time I changed cameras and tried to see things worth taking pictures of. I don’t play any instrument. As of today I’m still trying to make the camera an instrument to express myself.

If you’re interested in travel, photography or just a different view on the world this page could be for you. This page will try to tell stories. Stories about travel, images and realities of people all around the world. But don’t be disturbed. I see beauty in sometimes profane things. It’s sometimes small, sometimes huge, but always pleasing me.