Category: Ontario

  • Leaving the presidential suite

    Leaving the presidential suite

    During my trip through Canada I had a regular Facetime call with the owner of the company I work for. We were regularly talking to each other throughout the whole trip to update each other with latest news and ideas about what to do after my return to Germany. This time was different. Due to…

  • Visitor from afar

    Visitor from afar

    While I was crossing Canada on my own I was looking forward to the moment I’d meet my old friend from Germany at the Toronto International Airport for another week of shared road trip experience. Despite a small delay I picked him up without any problems and we checked in for a assimilation night in…

  • Half world wonder, half tourist trap

    Half world wonder, half tourist trap

    When I stopped at Aberfoyle Antique Market the other night I had some time spare and thought why not stop on a runner up for world wonders. So I steered the van towards Niagara Falls and arrived just in time for a nice sunset at that clouded day. After parking the car in an abandoned…

  • Under the same sky

    Under the same sky

    I was thinking about the milky way for a while now. Being outside olf cities in the wilderness of Canada means also having access to one of the darkest night skies I’ve ever seen. The sky is actually so dark you can see the milky way with your bare eyes if you just wait long…

  • Sudbury Up Here

    Sudbury Up Here

    On my way to Toronto I came to Sudbury. At first it was a strange encounter with only a nickel mine and a huge science center to enrich my afternoon. But then I gradually fell in love with this little town 400 Kilometers north of Toronto. It is small enough to be easily accessible, but…

  • Ignace Airways & Outpost

    Ignace Airways & Outpost

    One day I woke up the on the shore of the Agimak Lake after being attacked by hundreds of mosquitoes on the spot I chose before. I was preparing my dinner when the hordes came in and started their bloody attack. The only way I saw to get rid of them was eating my dinner…