I was thinking about the milky way for a while now. Being outside olf cities in the wilderness of Canada means also having access to one of the darkest night skies I’ve ever seen. The sky is actually so dark you can see the milky way with your bare eyes if you just wait long enough for your night vision to set in. Sometimes it’s the same in life. Patience let’s you experience things that you didn’t expect on the first occasion.
The feeling of being so tiny in the vastness of the night overwhelmed me. Joy, pleasure, freedom, grief, despair and all kinds of fear may come and go. But one thing is certain. It all has it’s reason. The night sky reminded me of the fact that there are things that will outlast even the hardest times during our time on this beautiful planet.
I hope you will wander under the same stars as long as possible. This post is dedicated to you.