Visitor from afar

While I was crossing Canada on my own I was looking forward to the moment I’d meet my old friend from Germany at the Toronto International Airport for another week of shared road trip experience. Despite a small delay I picked him up without any problems and we checked in for a assimilation night in one of Torontos hostels. I felt estranged from the concept of walls and always available hot showers after being on the road for almost 2 months.

Great adventures are made by teams

After a good night out and a good ration of sleep we went off to drive the Georgian Bay loop. The first leg of the trip was a little cumbersome. But soon after we arrived to the South Bruce peninsula things changed to the better. Being distant from any civilization is the reason to come to Canada. We drove along the shore, had a couple of drinks and then some more. Prepared dinner, made fires and had great talks and precious time spent together.

Being with someone always has its own dynamic. Even more so if you know each other since almost a decade of time. I truly enjoyed this part of the trip and am looking forward to travel back to these days in my memories at another point in my life.