Tag: vanlife

  • Leaving the presidential suite

    Leaving the presidential suite

    During my trip through Canada I had a regular Facetime call with the owner of the company I work for. We were regularly talking to each other throughout the whole trip to update each other with latest news and ideas about what to do after my return to Germany. This time was different. Due to…

  • Half world wonder, half tourist trap

    Half world wonder, half tourist trap

    When I stopped at Aberfoyle Antique Market the other night I had some time spare and thought why not stop on a runner up for world wonders. So I steered the van towards Niagara Falls and arrived just in time for a nice sunset at that clouded day. After parking the car in an abandoned…

  • Ignace Airways & Outpost

    Ignace Airways & Outpost

    One day I woke up the on the shore of the Agimak Lake after being attacked by hundreds of mosquitoes on the spot I chose before. I was preparing my dinner when the hordes came in and started their bloody attack. The only way I saw to get rid of them was eating my dinner…

  • Icefields Parkway

    Icefields Parkway

    The ice fields parkway is a highway connecting the Jasper and Banff National Parks. The road is as scenic as interesting. All lakes and streams are overly saturated with rock flour. The scene is getting more and more unreal and starts to look like extraterrestrial ground. The road is lined by a total of more…

  • Exploring British Columbia

    Exploring British Columbia

    The van turned out to be a great investment. The travel through British Columbia is a very relaxed and plentiful ride. We stay overnight wherever we feel it’s appropriate to pull out. The car is well equipped and the comfort increased little by little towards a stagnating maximum. We come across forest fires in the…

  • On the off road to Telegraph Cove

    On the off road to Telegraph Cove

    After a night under the brightest stars on a camping spot at the shore of upper Campbell Lake I went swimming in the lake at the morning to wake me up. A freezing body wash and a reheating coffee later i was following a recommendation of a forum user on a travel website. I took…

  • Off to new shores

    Off to new shores

    Weeks have passed since my last post. The DPRK series is not finished by far, there is so much more stuff in the pipeline. But traveling meant good business the last weeks. From Thailand to China, Korea (North and South) over Hawaii to Canada within one month took it’s tribute. The travel was demanding and…