From Antigua to Guatemala City to Cancun to Frankfurt in 72 hours. Blam! Touchdown in Germany. Coming home from a world trip. The lust for bread, beer, sausages and forests although very stereotypical set in when I stepped out of the Airport building. I hauled my bag filled with souvenirs from Guatemala to the train station next to the Airport and boarded a train with destination Stuttgart. Even though almost a year passed since I left it didn’t feel anywhere close to it.
While I approached the place I drove through the precious landscape that is Germany in autumn. I felt like coming home. It’s nice to feel the calmness and relaxation a good bread, a schnapps and some organic tomatoes cause. Coming home from a world trip also means returning to loved habits and rituals.
Immediate aftermath of coming home from a world trip
I spent the weekend working on this website and bringing the images and stories up to date. I would need the days off as it turned out during the process of the following week. A visit to the Dentist, a trip to upper Swabia that could have lasted much longer and a welcome party at the office were on my itinerary as well as spending days with my family in North-Rhine Westphalia.
The week was packed with hugs, night strolls, talks, food and many beautiful moments with the people that stayed home while I went abroad. I could have used way more time to see everyone. But my schedule is packed already. Time was limited. Even though I tried to do everyone justice it always leaves some with less than they deserve. I have no plans for a post world-trip depression. I booked my flight to Tunis last week and will leave early Wednesday morning. The next days will be busy, adventurous and full of insights. Embarking on the next adventure after coming home from a world trip is what I do. So please bare with me that the more detailled aftermath post that will summarise the world travel for the curious will take some time until completion.