Whenever you’re captive audience at a certain place you don’t have many options instead of saying yes when in reality you feel more like saying no. This is even more so true for the Lake Maligne where the highlight of the lake is only accessible by a narrow passage and a 11 kilometer boat ride from the shore. We got up to the lake at 6:00 AM in the morning while our breath would still steam in front of our rosy faces to catch a place on one of the boat cruises that day. The attempt to book a seat online failed the night before so we had no other chance then showing up in person.
The lake cruise
Luckily places were available at 11:00 AM. Oh what a luck if your ride is your bed at the same time. So after checking the tickets we used the opportunity to crawl back into the warm intimacy that a still warm mattress in the back of a car has to offer.
Well recovered and warmed by the alighting sunbeams we got up later that morning to board the cruise ship. A nice guide would talk about the lake and the surrounding mountains. But in fact many people were simply astonished by the sights and I think his audience was only partially interested in the explanations.
The spirit island
The secluded and holy island at the middle of the lake is a spiritual place for the first nation people of the area. For the tourists it is a spiritual sight that will make for some of the most beautiful pictures. Despite the warning not to step onto the island itself some people managed to show pure ignorance and wandered around the shores. Shouting and waving did only work to a certain extent. The holiness of this place must be tempted ever so often by human species of the ignorant type. But beautiful it was.