This city runs on scooters. A larger percentage of the traffic consists of scooters in all different shapes and conditions. You’d see a whole family with 2 kids on it as well as the local farmer carrying chickens to the market. Crossing the road means ignoring all European precautions and walking slowly but surely across the street no matter how many lanes or 2 and 4 wheeled participants are part of the scene.
Many times streets are used in both directions. Roundabouts are interpreted creatively and there seems to be one single rule: No rules.
But on the other hand the traffic flows organically. I haven’t seen any accidents or injuries yet. Often people would use their horns to warn other participants about any ongoing maneuvers like overtaking, crossing junctions or just to make sure they’d get noticed. My impression as a pedestrian is you’d better be totally fearless to cross a street of any given size.