I bought my ticket to the Strathmore Stampede after I stood inline for almost a full hour. I just asked the vendor to sell me one of the best seats available so I could see most of the action. When I approached my seat on the infield of the rodeo grounds I came across the entrance to the area where the athletes would prepare for the competition. At first I was hesitant to enter the grounds. I was taking pictures with my camera behind a fence that separated the regular visitors from the backstage area.
Getting inside the Epicenter
After standing there for a while I thought: Fuck it, I’ll go in anyway. If I get thrown out be it so. So I stepped forward to find me inside the obviously action packed grounds of a Stampede backstage area. I was so excited and trembling I almost forgot to concentrate on my steps. The testosterone loaded and masculine cowboy athletes would prepare for their rides. Arms were tapped. Saddles were prepared, boots fitted and chaps rubbed with sticky glue to make sure the body sticked to the saddle area.
The Stampede itself is a three day long festival packed with agricultural shows. Rodeos, chuckwagon racing, bull wrestling and so much more. After 2,5 hours my coverage blew off. Someone of the staff members asked me to leave. Honestly I wouldn’t have be able to stay a single minute longer. My heart was racing and I took almost three 16GB storage cards of pictures with me.
This is a very picture heavy post, but I hope you enjoy the investigative reportage style. I truly did.